CICMAC - Centro Integrado de Capacitação em Metrologia e Avaliação da Conformidade

• Agenda

  13h30min Participants assemble and final technical check

  13h35min Welcoming Remarks and Introductions
João Jornada, INMETRO
Jennifer Stradtman, Office of the ITA Standards Liaison

  13h40min Stephen Bipes, American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
Topic: U.S. approach to standardization,  Time: 20 Minutes

  14h00min Gene Eckhart, National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
Topic: Industry's perspective on standardization between our countries and how it effects our bilateral trade Time: 10 Minutes

  14h10min Jeff Grove, ASTM International
Topic: Perspective on standardization from a U.S. domiciled standards developer
Time: 10 Minutes

  14h20min 10 minutes for questions and answers for the U.S. side

  14h30min Fernando Sandroni, Federation of Industries of the State of Rio de Janeiro (FIRJAN)
Topic: Industry’s perspective on Standardization and Innovation in Brazil
Time: 10 Minutes

  14h40min Carlos Amorim, The Brazilian Association for Standardization (ABNT)
Topic: The Brazilian Standadization System and the role of ABNT
Time: 30 min
  15h10min 10 minutes for question and answers for the Brazilian side

  15h20min Humberto Brandi, INMETRO
Topic: Update on the bilateral development of standards for biofuels
Time: 10 min

  15h30min Close of the meeting

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CICMAC - Centro Integrado de Capacitação em Metrologia e Avaliação da Conformidade

INMETRO-RS / Todos os direitos reservados